SupERB Interim Meeting, 23/06/2020


The due date of the Interim Meeting of SupERB coincided with the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Because of imposed restrictions and precautions measures, it was held online on June 23th, 2020 using the Skype platform. The online meeting was hosted by the Cyprus University of Technology and all partners and the responsible officer from RIF were invited. The meeting focused on the Interim Progress Report, the submission using the RIF’s IRIS portal and the difficulties on the project’s progress due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

During the meeting, members of the HO research team gave presentations on technical, administrative and management issues regarding the Project. Firstly, a presentation regarding the requirements of the Interim Report was made with references to the Scientific and Financial reports. Secondly, the general progress (deliverables, timeframe), the progress of each Work Package (WP) and the current and future activities were presented.

Also, the Partners presented the work implemented by their organisation based on the allocated tasks outlined in the proposal.

The last part covered the steps that all participants (of every organisation) should follow to gain access in the IRIS portal and submit the necessary details for the scientific and financial reports.

The meeting agenda can be seen here.